Sunday, December 15, 2013

Surgery on Shrimp for Extracting an Isopod Parasite 清除清洁蝦上的寄生虫

I found something weird in my newly purchased cleaner shrimp. After Google, found that it is Isopod. Try to find a way to solve it, and, I found this video

It is very hard to implement. Since the Isopod is inside the shell, and I don't have the surgery knife... Someone suggest a sharp blade or scissor. So let it now. Plan to do the surgery once the shrimp change its shell. Haiz....

Saturday, December 14, 2013

HSBC RM100 Cash Back Promotion

  • SMS: : L1your 16-digit Participating HSBC Bank/HSBC Amanah Credit Card/-i number to 66300
  • Spend must be of a minimum of RM100 per swipe
  • Eligible Spend for the Promotion are those that: 
  • - Include 0% installment plans, Internet transactions, local and overseas retail transactions for Shopping, Entertainment, Petrol, Food and Beverage, Departmental, Hotel, Travel and/or Groceries spend; and  
    - Exclude cash advances, standing instructions/auto-billing, finance charges/ management charges, credit card annual fee and spend that are made at merchants from the following Merchant Category Codes: Charity, Automobile, Direct Marketing, Education, Membership, Utility, Grooming, Health, and  Home
  • Campaign period: 2 Dec 2013 till 14 Feb 2014
  • Cash Back amount per 
  • Eligible Cardholder 
  • Percentage of Cash Back 
  •  allocation per day : 
    # RM    5  - First 75%  
    # RM  50  - Next   6%
    RM100  - Next   3%
    RM  25  - Next 16% 
  • The maximum number of Cash Back is 1 time per day and  5 times throughout the Promotion Period.
  • The Cash Back will be credited into the primary Eligible Cardholder’s highest type of Participating HSBC Bank/HSBC Amanah Credit Card/-i account within 4-8 weeks from the end of the Promotion Period 
  • Details: here

The CIMB Bank Cash Back is here again!

  • Campaign period: 4 Nov 2013 till 2 Feb 2014
  • Open to all CIMB principal and supplementary credit cardholders and debit cardholders
  • Registration process is as follows: 
  • SMS by Typing CIMB1Last 4 digits of Participating CIMB Credit Card/Debit Card numberLast 4 digits of NRIC number and send to 62666 
  • Spend Per WeekCash Back
    RM500 and aboveRM100
    RM1,500 and aboveRM350
  • Spend Include internet transactions, local and overseas retail transactions spending for Fashion, Departmental Store, Groceries and Dining (Exclude dining at hotels) 
  • Exclude the following: 
i. Transactions made on CIMB’s Platinum BusinessCard;
    ii. Transactions that earn double bonus points or cash rebate;
      iii. Monthly instalments under any instalment payment facility provided by CIMB or any other banks;
        iv. 0% instalment plans, standing instructions/auto-billing spending;
        • The maximum Cash Back to be given out to 1 cardholder  for each Participating Week is capped at RM100 for Spending Tier 1 and RM350 for Spending Tier 2 respectively for each Eligible Cardholder’s Participating CIMB Credit Cards and Participating CIMB Debit Cards. 
        • The Cash Back will be credited within 4-6 weeks after every Participating Week. 
        • Details: here
        • Involved merchant list : here

        Saturday, November 9, 2013

        HSBC Member-Get-Member II Promotion

        • Campaign period: 11 Oct till 30 Nov 2013
        • Open to  HSBC Bank/ HSBC Amanah individual customers who hold at least one of the following products :
          i. Any HSBC Bank/ HSBC Amanah primary or supplementary Credit Card/-i; ii. Any HSBC Bank/ HSBC Amanah Home HomeSmart-i;
          iii. Any HSBC Bank/ HSBC Amanah Savings / Current Account-i. 
        • Every Successful Referral AEON Cash Vouchers of RM100 each
        • The Vouchers will be sent within 45 days from the end of the Promotion Period. 
        • Share your friend contact here.
        • Details: here

        HSBC Cash Back Promotion: Enjoy up to RM30 Cash Back with every spend

        • SMS: H1your 16-digit Participating HSBC Bank/HSBC Amanah Credit Card/-i number to 66300
        • Spend must be of a minimum of RM100 per swipe
        • Eligible Spend for the Promotion are those that: 
        • - Include 0% installment plans, Internet transactions, local and overseas retail transactions for Shopping, Entertainment, Petrol, Food and Beverage, Departmental, Hotel, Travel and/or Groceries spend; and  
          - Exclude cash advances, standing instructions/auto-billing, finance charges/ management charges, credit card annual fee and spend that are made at merchants from the following Merchant Category Codes: Charity, Automobile, Direct Marketing, Education, Membership, Utility, Grooming, Health, and  Home
        • Campaign period: 29 Sept till 14 Nov 2013
        • Cash Back amount per 
        • Eligible Cardholder 
        • Percentage of Cash Back 
        • allocation per day : 
          # RM10  - First 10%  
          # RM30  - Next 7%
          # RM5    - Next 75%
          # RM20  - Next 8% 
        • The Cash Back will be credited into the primary Eligible Cardholder’s highest type of Participating HSBC Bank/HSBC Amanah Credit Card/-i account within four (4) to eight (8) weeks from the end of the Promotion Period 
        • Details: here

        Breeze Mobile Banking – RM5 Campaign - RM5 is yours in 2 easy steps!

        • Have registered for online banking with the Bank or SCSB and have downloaded the Breeze Mobile Banking app from either the Google Play Store or the App Store; 
        • AND 
           Perform any one of the following transactions within Campaign Period:  
          (a) Interbank GIRO fund transfer;  
          (b) Bill payment; 
           (c) Loan repayment to your accounts with the Bank and/or SCSB or with other banks;  
          (d) 3rd party fund transfers  
          (e) Credit card repayment to your account with the Bank or with other banks; 
          (f) Transfer between own accounts. 
        • Campaign period: 30 Oct till 20 Nov 2013
        • Open to  New Users of Breeze Mobile Banking;  
        • CashBack will be credited to the account from which the transaction originated within 60 days from the transaction date

        Monday, August 5, 2013

        Weekly Cash Back from CIMB Bank

        • SMS “CASHBACKLast 4 digits of your CIMB Bank credit/debit card number” to 62666
        • Campaign period: 5 Aug till 13 Oct 2013
        • Just spend RM1,000 in a week and be rewarded with RM250 Cash Back. 
        • Week Cycle (Monday to Sunday)
          • Week 1: 5 August 2013 – 11 August 2013
          • Week 2: 12 August 2013 – 18 August 2013 
          • Week 3: 19 August 2013 – 25 August 2013 
          • Week 4: 26 August 2013 – 1 September 2013 
          • Week 5: 2 September 2013 – 8 September 2013 
          • Week 6: 9 September 2013 – 15 September 2013 
          • Week 7: 16 September 2013 – 22 September 2013 
          • Week 8: 23 September 2013 – 29 September 2013
          • Week 9: 30 September 2013 – 6 October 2013 
          • Week 10: 7 October 2013 – 13 October 2013
        • Transactions excluded
          (i) Transactions made on CIMB’s Platinum BusinessCard; 
            (ii) Transactions that earn double bonus points or cash rebate; 
              (iii) Quasi Cash transactions – (example: betting and/or gaming transactions); 
                (iv) Monthly installments under any installment payment facility provided by CIMB or any other banks; 
                  (v) 0% instalment plans, standing instructions/auto-billing spending; 
                    (vi) Payment of annual fees or service charges, delivery charges, cash payments,  card replacement fee, government service tax, dispute charges, fraud charges or any other fees, charges or penalties whether imposed by CIMB or otherwise; 
                      (vii) Transactions for payments made towards insurance premiums and/or takaful contributions of any kind whatsoever; and 
                        (viii) Cash advance/withdrawal/deposit transactions. 

                        Enjoy 50% rebate with CIMB Bank credit card

                        • Campaign period: 15 July till 31 December 2013
                        • The principal Cardholder of a new CIMB Card who fulfills the terms of this Campaign will be entitled to a one time and one off fifty percent (50%) rebate off his/her first retail spending transaction (“Rebate”)  within thirty (30) days from the date his/her CIMB Card is approved ("Utilisation Period").
                        • The Rebate will be credited to the CIMB Card account within 4 – 6 weeks after the expiry of the Utilisation Period 
                        • Maximum Rebate limit of RM250.00.
                        • The offer available under this Campaign is only valid for applications for the CIMB Card submitted at 
                        • Card Service Centres located at Suria KLCC, Pavilion, Sunway Pyramid and Gardens..”. It is not 
                        • available for applications submitted at branches, through mobile sales force, preferred or any other 
                        • channels.

                        Friday, July 26, 2013




                        Tuesday, July 23, 2013


                        • 洗头:可使细而缺乏弹性的头发变粗而有光泽,还可以使毛发再生。
                        • 漱口水:取1/2茶匙的盐泡240cc的温水,可当作喉咙的漱口水,尤其是感冒时,可以减轻喉咙的不舒服,减轻牙龈肿痛出血,帮助治疗牙周炎。
                        • 消除眼部肿胀:拿一茶匙盐,加入600c.c.温热水中,待其完全溶解后,取块棉花浸泡一会儿,再取出敷在眼部肿胀处,可消肿。
                        • 清洁牙齿:将1:2的盐和苏打粉混合后,用来刷牙可去除牙垢,洁白牙齿。
                        • 脸部按摩:盐和橄榄油以1:1的比例混合,敷在脸部和颈部,以向上及向内的方向轻轻的按摩,待5分钟过后,再将脸部洗净即可。
                        • 去除青春痘:早晚洗脸时,用盐轻轻按摩脸部,再用水冲净,不仅可去除青春痘亦可消除绉纹。
                        • 治粉刺:食盐一茶匙,白醋半茶匙,开水半杯,溶好后用棉花蘸之洗面,每日一次。
                        • 洁 肤:杏仁粉60克,盐面儿一茶匙,加水调成糊,每周两次敷于面部,可使皮肤白嫩。
                        • 去面斑:食盐一茶匙,白芷粉六茶匙,菊花粉三茶匙,白醋半茶匙,混和加水成糊状,敷于面部斑迹之处,隔日一次。
                        • 去除老化的皮肤:洗完澡后身体仍湿答答时,用适量的盐在老化的皮肤上摩擦,可除去已死的角质皮肤,有助血液循环。
                        • 消除身体的疲劳:浴缸内的热水中加入几把盐,再进入浸泡至少10分钟,即可消除身体疲累。
                        • 纾解脖子和肩膀酸痛:浸泡15-30分钟沐浴时,将脖子和肩膀处以温水浸湿,以盐来回按摩,再以温水冲净,月余症状即可减轻。将炒过的盐用铝箔纸包起,贴在肩上可消除疼痛。
                        • 减轻腹痛:将2杯炒过的盐放入厚纸袋或用毛巾包裹好,置于下腹,经过20~30分钟,疼痛就会消失。
                        • 抗湿疹:在浴缸里适度洒盐浸泡全身,或直接拿盐揉搓身体,大约一、二周湿疹即会逐渐消失。
                        • 有助双手恢复柔润:做家务事或洗碗盘而致双手泛红且皱纹满布,可取精盐三茶匙溶入一盆温水当中,浸泡双手约五分钟,有助双手恢复细白柔润。
                        • 消除香港脚:每天晚上沐浴时,可拿一把沐盐在患处加以揉搓,初期症状,一周可愈;严重者若持之以恒,也可见效。
                        • 去脚臭:易出脚汗且异味 较大者,常用盐水洗双脚可除臭。
                        • 去腋臭:有腋臭的人,可用淡盐水洗腋下。
                        • 将盐水搽在被开水烫了的皮肤上,可减轻疼痛。
                        • 用热盐汤浸泡双脚,或用炒盐熨贴腰背,对风湿筋骨病,有一定的止痛作用。
                        • 新买的牙刷在热盐水里浸半小时左右取出,可使牙刷经久耐用。
                        • 浴用海绵若变得既粗又滑,在冷盐水中浸一会,就会又软又松。
                        • 新买的浴巾在使用前用盐水浸透,即可预防其发霉。
                        • 毛巾用久了会变硬,有怪味,最好用盐水搓洗,能除怪味,又不发粘。
                        • 夏天用毛巾揩汗,毛巾会变得粘乎乎的,若先用食盐搓冼,再用清水漂净,即可清洁如新。
                        • 受潮的火柴放盐在上面,一两分钟后,潮湿的火柴就干了。
                        • 煤油灯里放些盐,又省油又不冒黑烟。
                        • 煤油里掺进水后,会使煤油无法使用,若在煤油桶里撒一些细盐,煤油就可以使用了。
                        • 将蜡烛先在浓盐水中浸泡数小时,取出,待彻底干燥后,燃烧时就不会流蜡。
                        • 点蜡烛时,在烛心放少许盐,可使蜡烛较持久地燃烧,还能增加光亮。
                        • 新买的麻绳如嫌太硬,将其放在盐水里煮一下,可使其柔软耐用。
                        • 电池的电能用完后,可在碳棒附近钻两个小孔,灌进盐水后用蜡封好,可使废电池重放光明。
                        • 调浆糊时放点盐,桨糊不易发霉。
                        • 照相胶 经显影定影后,放入盐水中泡一下,再用清不冲洗,能缩短清洗时间。
                        • 灯泡有了污渍,可用洗涤灵加入少量食盐轻擦,然后用清水洗净,擦干,灯泡的亮度便和新的一样。
                        • 家具用久了,上面的脏东西往往不易去除,可先用盐水后用热水擦拭,贝少可使其干净如新
                        • 用盐水洗竹器、藤器,可使其更美观、更柔软耐用。
                        • 柳条编制家具用沾有温热盐水的硬刷清洗,并在阳光下晒干,可防止家具变黄。
                        • 要想清除毛毯上的油污,用1份盐和4份酒精配成的溶液清洗,清洗时用力搓,便可除去油污,且不会伤及毛毯。
                        • 将盐和柠檬汁放在软布上擦钢琴键或大理石制品、象牙制品,可除去污迹。
                        • 冬天用浸有盐溶液的海绵擦拭窗玻璃内面,不会结霜;用装有盐的湿布小袋擦汽车挡风玻璃,可防止其积雪。
                        • 粉刷墙壁时,在石灰水中放0.3% ~ 0。5% 的盐,能增加石灰的附着力。
                        • 新油漆的墙壁或家具会散发出一股浓烈的油漆味,盐水可除去油漆味,如果在室内放置两盆泠盐水,涂抹家具及墙壁的油漆味就会消除。
                        • 想自制空气清新剂吗?切半个橙,吃光橙肉,然后在这个半圆的橙皮内放满盐,就会缓缓放出橙香味,成为价廉物美的空气清新剂。
                        • 新扫帚如果在热盐水中浸泡后再使用,可延长扫帚的使用寿命。
                        • 在金鱼缸水中放点普通食盐(不用加碘盐),可使金鱼更活泼健康。
                        • 清洗鱼缸时,用盐(不用加碘盐)擦拭鱼缸内侧,可除掉硬水垢,用清水冲洗后再将鱼放进缸内。
                        • 用盐水选出来的种子,出苗齐,苗健壮,又防病虫害。
                        • 想让花开得更鲜色,在花盆里浇一点点盐水即可。在水仙花的盆中放入少许盐,能延长开花时间。
                        • 鲜花插在浓度适当的盐水瓶里,可以保持较长时间不凋谢。
                        • 在厨房水槽下水管中定期倒入浓盐水中,可保持清洁,防止发臭和油污堆积
                        • 用盐和苏打水清洁冰箱内部,效果良好。
                        • 新买的瓷碗、瓷杯、瓷碟、玻璃杯、陶制沙锅先放在盐水中煮过,以后就不易破裂。
                        • 陶瓷、玻璃等器皿内的茶垢、污垢,用盐擦洗,去污效果较好。
                        • 茶杯、茶壶上有茶垢后,如果用盐水浸泡10分钟,清洗起来就十分方便了;如果浸泡几小时,茶垢则会自行脱落。碗碟有了积垢,用食盐和醋洗刷,很容易洗净。壶嘴上有污渍时,可用湿盐将壶嘴覆盖一夜,翌日用热水清洗。
                        • 碗、碟、茶杯有了积垢,用食盐、残茶或醋擦洗,效果很好。
                        • 搪瓷食具积了污垢,用盐和醋混合擦洗,即干净又不损光泽。
                        • 白色瓷砖、瓷澡盆、瓷脸盆如用褐色铁锈斑,可用适量的食盐与醋配成混合液擦洗。
                        • 银制品上有了污渍,可先用盐擦拭污渍后再洗,清除效果好。
                        • 铜器上有黑斑点与污迹,用盐可以擦掉,使其焕然一新。
                        • 清洗铜锅时,先用盐水泡铜锅上的污渍,再用浸有姜汁的布擦拭,效果很好。
                        • 金属器皿生锈,用盐加点柠檬汁洗,即能迅速除銹,又能将器皿擦得光泽耀眼。
                        • 用久了的热水瓶,瓶胆内往往结上一层水垢,将小苏打和盐水灌入瓶中,再加入一些碎蛋壳,盖上瓶塞频频晃动,即可除去水垢。
                        • 用盐擦洗铝质餐具,可使其光亮洁净。
                        • 新买的铁锅,未用之前,先用一些食盐放在锅内炒一遍,炒至盐快焦的 时候,将盐倒出,锅中的铁腥味可除去。
                        • 如果要清洁生锈的剪刀或其它铁器,可用两茶匙盐加一茶匙柠檬汁,涂在銹渍上,然后用干布擦拭。
                        • 清洁铁锅上的油腻时,先放入少量盐,再用纸擦铁锅,油腻更易清除。
                        • 菜刀用钝了,放在盐水里浸泡沫20分钟,然后边磨边浇盐水,不仅刀好磨,而 磨出的刀刃锋
                        • 利。
                        • 菜刀柄久用会脱落,可将菜刀柄浸一浸盐水,再插回去就不会脱落了。
                        • 菜板易裂,可将菜板放入盐水中浸泡一天, 拿出来晾干,就不易裂了。
                        • 新买来的木质砧板先放在浓度为30%的盐水中浸泡二、三天,以后就不易干裂。
                        • 在每次使用后先用菜刀横刮砧板板面,再用热水冲去板
                        • 用肥皂和水洗后的菜板,再用浸有盐的湿布擦拭可使之光亮。
                        • 砧板有了腥味,可浸在淘米水里,用少许食盐擦洗后。再用热水洗净,便可除味。
                        • 盐能去新生毛,用盐抹在鸡皮上更易拔出新生毛。
                        • 烧火时,在煤球上撒点盐,能使户炉火更旺些。将盐撒在炉灶上,可扑灭油腻火。生炉子的时候,如果烟雾太浓,撒上一把盐会使烟雾消散,火苗旺盛。
                        • 用浸有姜汁的盐擦手,可除去手上的洋葱味。
                        • 从冰箱冷冻室里取出的冻鱼、冻鸡、冻肉,放在盐水中,不仅解冻快,而且能使其保持鲜嫩。
                        • 用油炸食物时,将一点盐放入油锅内,油就不会向外溅了。
                        • 夏季豆腐很难保存,但将食盐溶解于水后烧沸,冷却后把豆腐浸放于盐水中却能使豆腐保存很长时间。
                        • 煎鱼前将鱼放在盐水中洗净,鱼就没有泥土味和腥味。
                        • 有虫蔬菜虽无农药污染,但叶上小虫非常难洗,只要将蔬菜拆叶泡在淡盐水中3-5分钟,虫子便会自动掉入水中。
                        • 洗蚊帐用少许盐,能避臭虫。
                        • 织物上的霉斑或銹斑,可用柠檬汁与盐混合液浸泡并置于阳光下漂白,最后用清水洗干净。
                        • 棉织品发黄了,可用盐加苏打粉,用水煮1小时,黄色即可退去
                        • 如果棉织品熨焦了,用精盐少许,放在烫焦处揉擦,焦痕即可退去
                        • 新买来的丝袜,如想耐穿,可先用水洗一下,待自然风干后浸于盐水三小时,然后用冷水清洗,自然风干。
                        • 用洗衣机洗衣物时,如果泡沫太多,在泡沫上撒些盐,即可减少泡沫。
                        • 衣服上沾有青草渍时,可将衣服常浸入食盐水中(1升水加100克盐),轻轻揉搓,即可除去。
                        • 有汗渍的衣服,可先泡在10%的盐水里搓洗10分钟,用清水冲洗后,再用肥皂洗,就可去掉汗渍。
                        • 染衣服放点盐,可使衣服颜色鲜艳。
                        • 衣服染上墨迹较难洗,可先在清水里搓洗,然后再取几粒饭与食盐拌和,放在有墨迹处搓冼,再放到清水里搓洗,一次未净可重复几次,则可除去墨
                        • 牛仔裤穿脏了洗易退色,可先其放在浓盐水中浸泡2小时(需冷水),再用肥皂洗刷,这样就不退色了。
                        • 衣服被油污沾染,用溶有盐的硷水洗涤,能洗得很干净。
                        • 洗衣服领口时在上面撒些细盐末,污渍就容易除去。
                        • 为防止有色衣服褪色,可先将衣服放在温盐水里浸泡一会儿再洗,可防褪色。
                        • 衣服上若沾上酒渍,可立即撒上一些盐,过一小时后再如常清洗。衣服上有铁锈渍,可先用盐盖着污渍,再用白醋浸一小时后按常规清洗。
                        • 将胡萝卜砸碎,拌上盐,能擦掉衣服上的血迹。
                        • 当胶底帆布鞋有臭气时,在鞋上撒少许盐,即可吸收汗水并除臭。新买的泡沫塑料鞋先放入盐水中浸泡半天,然后再穿,即不易裂,又耐穿。
                        • 两只颜色相似又不完全相同的棉质袜子,放在盐水里煮1小时,颜色就会一样。
                        • 草帽旧了,用盐水洗刷,能使之焕然一新。

                        Monday, July 15, 2013

                        Spend RM 300 with MasterCard and win

                        Every time you spend over RM300 in a single transaction you will need to SMS the following information to to enter the raffle:

                        1. Keyword – MCMY
                        2. Card number - first 2 digits (must start with 5) and last 4 digits 
                        3. Transaction date from 29 June to 1 Sep 2013
                        4. Total amount spent – must be over RM300

                        e.g.  MCMY 528888 290613 RM689

                        7D6N Grand Prize
                        Imagine you and a friend on a luxury holiday for seven days and six nights…
                        Summary of Inclusions

                        • Two nights' stay in Banjaran Hot springs
                        • Private transfer to Penang Island
                        • Two nights' stay in E&O Penang
                        • Two nights' stay in Seri Chenang Resort & Spa Langkawi

                        • Three-hour spa session in Banjaran Hot springs
                        • One-hour massage in Kayangan Spa
                        • Private Yacht experience
                        • Private dinner on Gunung Mat Chinchang 
                        • Private transfer to Banjaran Hot springs
                        • Standby transfer to Ipoh town
                        • Private transfer to Penang Island
                        • Return transfers to Penang Hill
                        • Standby transfer to Penang city centre
                        • Helicopter transfer to Langkawi
                        • Langkawi Cable Car
                        • Langkawi to KLIA on MAS

                        Meals (6B, 3L, 1T, 3D):
                        • Daily hotel breakfast
                        • Dinner in Jeff’s Cellar
                        • Lunch, The Pomelo
                        • Lunch, Sarkies Corner
                        • Dinner, David Brown’s
                        • Afternoon Tea, Restaurant 1885
                        • Lunch at Dapur Warisan

                        3D2N trip to Langkawi
                        Every week someone will win a two-night stay at Seri Chenang Resort & Spa Langkawi…
                        Summary of Inclusions

                        • Two nights' stay in Seri Chenang Resort & Spa Langkawi

                        • One-hour massage in Kayangan Spa
                        • Langkawi Mangrove private tour
                        • Private return airport transfers from
                        home to KLIA
                        • Return flights from KLIA to Langkawi on
                        MAS for two persons in Economy Class
                        • All transfers on Langkawi island (resort feature)
                        • Langkawi Cable Car

                        Meals (2B, 1L, 1D):
                        • Daily hotel breakfast
                        • Lunch at Dapur Warisan
                        • Private dinner on Gunung Mat Chinchang
                        More Detail, see here

                        Tuesday, April 30, 2013

                        javascript string replace regex

                         function remove(key){  
                              var reg=new RegExp('(^|,)'+key+'(,|$)');  
                              return new  

                        Friday, April 12, 2013

                        Citibank Weekly 30% Cash Back

                        1. The promotion starts on 13th April and ends on 21st June 2013.
                        2. There will be 10 weekly cycles, each starts from Saturday and ends on the following Friday, total weekly cash back is capped at RM 50000. One principal cardmember can get maximum RM 150 cash back per week on a first-come, first-served basis.
                        3. you need to swipe minimum one or more transaction each on groceries, dining and petrol, with a cumulative spending of RM 500 on everything within that week.

                        Full terms and conditions