Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Maybank - It’s Raining Money Campaign

  • Campaign period: 13 Mar 2014 till 15 Jun 2014
  • Open to Principal Cardmembers of Credit/ Charge Card(s) issued by Maybank
  • SMS  MONEY   Principal Card Number without spacing and send to 66628
    • Prize CategoryCash RebateNumber of Winners
      Hourly PrizeRM1001 winner every hour from 10:00 am until 10:00pm daily
      Monthly PrizeRM100,0001 winner from every month:
      • 13 Mar – 15 Apr 2014
      • 16 Apr – 15 May 2014
      • 16 May – 15 Jun 2014
    • The Hourly Prize Winners selected by randomizer programme shall be final and binding.
    • TheMonthly Prize Winners will be contacted by Maybank’s representatives at any time during office hours to answer 1 question.
    •  Eligible Cardmember may win the Hourly Prize and Monthly Prize more than once.
    • Prize will be rewarded in a form of cash back and credited to accounts and reflected on credit card statement that follows the date of cash back crediting.
    • Details: here

      Thursday, March 13, 2014

      Maybank American Express - Get cash back for online payments & purchases

      • Campaign period: 5 Mar 2014 till 31 May 2014
      • Open to Principal Cardmembers of American Express Credit/ Charge Card(s) issued by Maybank
      • Eligible Cardmember will be entitled to 1 entry for every RM300 cumulative Qualifying Spend on the following websites: 
        • bill/ assessment fee payments  on Maybank, www.maybank.com.my
        • online purchases transacted on Groupon Malaysia, www.groupon.my
        • online purchases transacted on Malindo Air, www.malindoair.com 
      • Only 2000 winners under this campaign.
      • Cash Back will be credited into Winners’ American Express Card within eight (8) weeks from the end of the Campaign Period. Announcement of Winners will also be made on the Maybank website at www.maybank.com.my and American Express Malaysia website at www.americanexpress.com.my. In the event the Winner does not receive the Cash Back, it is the Winner’s responsibility to notify Maybank in writing not later than 15 August 2014.

      Tuesday, March 11, 2014


      早上 空腹 餐后 睡前 注解
      • 香蕉中除了含有助眠的钾,还含有大量的镁元素,若空腹食用,会使血液中的含镁量骤然升高,而镁是影响心脏功能敏感元素之一。
      •  吃香蕉可以减少引起低落情绪的激素,使人变得开朗,心情舒畅
      • 蜂蜜最好使用40℃以下的温开水或凉开水稀释后食用
      • 蜂蜜一般均在饭前1-1.5小时或饭后2-3小时食用比较适宜。
      • 服用量每次最好在25-50克,一般不要超过100克。否则人体将无法吸收过多营养,还有可能引起轻微腹泻。
      • 最好在早饭1~2小时后再喝,同时吃一点饼干、馒头淀粉类食品,牛奶便能在胃里停留较长时间,与胃液发生充分酶解作用,使牛奶中丰富的营养被吸收。
      • 睡前喝有利于钙的吸收利用
      • 饭后30分钟到2个小时之间饮用酸奶效果最佳
      • 喝完酸奶后要及时漱口
      • 空腹时乳酸菌易被胃酸杀死,保健作用减弱
      • 睡前喝有利于钙的吸收利用
      • 冰涼的醋易刺激腸胃,也容易上火
      • 未稀釋的水果醋,一天不宜超過100C.C
      • 醋不宜同時和茶、咖啡、乳製品飲用。因茶和咖啡有單寧酸,會破壞水果醋的營養素;而醋酸會讓乳製品變凝塊,影響鈣質吸收
      • 肌肉容易酸痛,慢性胃炎不宜直接喝醋
       所谓排毒法(例如: 起床喝蜂蜜水, 酸奶, 醋之类的),都是不宜的??只能说看你的胃咯!